Livio Gigliuto, Vice President at Istituto Piepoli, guest of Paolo Poggio and Giorgia Rombolà on Newsroom, opens a window on Mario Draghi's assignment from Public opinion point of view.
Livio Gigliuto, Vice-President at Istituto Piepoli, shows what were the numbers of a survey conducted just before the Mario Draghi’s assigment on a representative poll of Italian adults to whom Istituto Piepoli asked which Prime Minister they would like to have after the crisis. The favorite among the hypotheses in field was the outgoing President, Giuseppe Conte, with 45% of the votes, especially from the voters of the Center-Left and the M5S, against 18% of Mario Draghi, who was in any case the preferred alternative by the voters of the Center-Right and 3% of Carlo Cottarelli and Paolo Gentiloni, also appreciated by other political areas than the Center-Left, thanks to his international position. The trust in Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and Mario Draghi are respectively at 62 and 61%, followed by Carlo Cottarellie and Paolo Gentiloni who gain 37% of the votes. Livio Gigliuto, points out that trust in Mario Draghi is transversal and therefore the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella has also managed to interpret popular sentiment well. The last question in the survey submitted to public opinion asked what the Center-Right should do, whether to support the creation of a new government or push for new elections. The voters of the Center-Right, who previously were going to new elections, have gradually turned towards an institutional government, according to all the voters, 65% say they are ready to support the birth of an institutional government, against the 25% who would like to go to new elections.