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Between fear and prudence, optimism

Livio Gigliuto, Vice President at Istituto Piepoli, guest of Giorgia Rombolà at Studio24 broadcast on RaiNews24, for a snapshot of Italy and public opinion on politics and current events.

According to a survey by Istituto Piepoli, Livio Gigliuto, Vice President at Istituto Piepoli, tells to Giorgia Rombolà, Journalist at Studio24 in recent months Italians have been dominated by two feelings: fear and prudence. In this last week, Gigliuto continues, optimism has also appeared timidly and we can see it from some data. Firstly, from the decrease in the fear of contagion and secondly, from that towards variants.

The appreciation for the way the Government is managing this pandemic is growing (59% of Italians interviewed are very or quite satisfied. + 6% compared to the previous week). Also regarding the further reopening desired by the Government, 70% of the sample agree.

Another expression of optimism is represented by holidays. The vaccine effect increases confidence: 1 in 2 Italians has decided that they will go on vacation this summer. Where? Italy is chosen by 94% of the sample.

Optimism is also felt on politics. Confidence in Mario Draghi continues to grow for the third week in a row. This time by 3 percentage points, going to 62%. At the top of the ranking also Giuseppe Conte with 56% of the votes and Roberto Speranza with 43%.