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From Referendum to Green Pass

Livio Gigliuto, Vice President at Istituto Piepoli, guest of Andrea Pennacchioli's Talk show. The TV program, broadcast on La7, explores the issues of Italian political affairs.

Guests of today’s episode of Omnibus, Livio Gigliuto, Istituto Piepoli Vice President, who analyzes the events of the week together with Giulia Merlo of Domani, Pietro De Leo of Il Tempo, Chiara Geloni and Flavia Giacobbe, Director of Formiche.

From the relationship with the referendum tool by political parties to the new ways of collecting signatures, which gives rise to initiatives from the bottom that most likely – says Gigliuto – we would not have seen, such as this in particular on cannabis that would not have existed if there had not been the telematic collection via spid, until the Green Pass which resulted in 35% more first doses, downsizing the famous no-vax theme. At this moment, in fact, continues Livio Gigliuto, about 70% of Italians are vaccinated, so the share of those who must be convinced is around 5-6%.

Gigliuto believes there is a growth in confidence in the vaccination tool. 79% say they are very or quite favorable and from the end of August to today there is a growth of 4 percentage points. Then there is a 9% of the population who is not very favorable, it is the soft part, which, however, can be convinced.

According to the Italians, finally, this autumn compared to last year will be better for 46%, worse for 14% (physiological data for any Western society), equal to 36%. Italians have the perception that the bar of liberation from the virus is moving forward. Also because there may be a high number of infections, but fewer hospitalizations and fewer deaths. In addition, Gigliuto explains, there is a great territorial difference in vaccination coverage and a stronger institutional communication is needed.

The episode closes on the Mattarella bis. In detecting public opinion on this issue, Gigliuto points out that the Italians would take a picture of the current one. They think that Italy is in a state of grace. This is also influenced by the sporting results that gave a boost to Italian patriotism. And therefore Italians would reconfirm President Mattarella, Draghi at Palazzo Chigi and Letta until 2023 as Secretary of the PD.