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64% of Italians celebrate the Liberation

According to a research by Istituto Piepoli for QN newspaper, two out of three Italians, especially the younger ones, are anti-fascists.

Does the debate that took place around April 25th affect the political choices of Italians?
Not very much. The “state of health” of trust in the country’s main political exponents, Giorgia Meloni and Elly Schlein, tells us this: the prime minister remains the leader most appreciated by public opinion, while the secretary of the Democratic Party, despite the internal tensions of recent days , earn one percentage point of personal trust. Everything normal, no statistically significant shock.

The debate on anti-fascism therefore seems not to affect the consensus of the leaders: the reasons on the basis of which Italians choose how to vote are others, essentially linked to the economy and (to a lesser extent) to the recipes proposed to put an end to international conflicts.

Livio Gigliuto