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UGL survey on the world of work

The Survey on Workers by Istituto Piepoli for the UGL Trade Union was presented in Rome on the occasion of Labor Day on May 1st 2024.

In Italy the average of accidents at work is one injured per minute, one death every eight hours, therefore on average 3 deaths per day in the workplace.

Still few are fully aware of the real data and the dramatic relevance of accidents at work, even among the workers themselves: 61% of the population and 49% of workers were not aware of these data. Upon closer inspection, the power of this phenomenon is all expressed in the level of concern. Having become aware of the issue, everyone declares their apprehension on the matter: very strong for more than one worker in two (57%), strong for all the others.

For more than one worker in two (58%) the current salary is perceived as inadequate for their job/length of service. The negative perception rises further among employees: it reaches 65% of office workers, reaching 75% among workers