What do Italians say, a week before the stars and stripes presidential elections? According to Istituto Piepoli's Tableau de Bord, our compatriots give Donald Trump as the next loser (at 24%), with Joe Biden at 53%.
“The pre-election survey takes into consideration various variables, and among these the voting intentions”, explains Livio Gigliuto, Vice President and Marketing Manager at Istituto Piepoli. “If the first question is: “What President do you prefer most?”, The second is on a different tone: “Who will win?”. It is a very powerful, prophetic forecasting tool. It works and helps to better frame the reference context “. However, things can change if the interviewees are not familiar with the context. “Exactly. It is different when the question is asked about an electoral campaign that they do not directly live”. It was like this four years ago and it is like this today too, above all now that a subversion of priorities is added to the physical distance.