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AstraZeneca Case on Vaccinations

Livio Gigliuto, Vice President at Istituto Piepoli, guest of Giorgia Rombolà at Studio24 broadcast on RaiNews24, for a snapshot of Italy and public opinion on politics and current events.

In this episode of Studio 24, Giorgia Rombolà explores with Nicola Zingaretti, President at Lazio Region; Claudio Cerasa, Director at Il Foglio; Annamaria Parente of Italia Viva; Tommaso Foti of Fratelli d’Italia and Livio Gigliuto, Vice President at Istituto Piepoli, the impact of AstraZeneca case on the vaccination campaign, the blocking of layoffs, the Lega / Forza Italia single party (wanted by 68% of the interviewees) and preferences relating to the next President of the Italian Republic.

The contribution of Livio Gigliuto refers to a survey by Istituto Piepoli which reveals that in recent weeks there has been a slight decline in the propensity to vaccinate precisely in correlation with the onset of adverse cases. In particular, this week the drop was 2 percentage points and therefore very marginal compared to the desire to be vaccinated (which remains strong in 84% of the sample).

Furthermore, we have moved from the centrality of the health aspect to the centrality of the economic one. This means, Giorgia Rombolà points out, that with the retreat of the Covid emergency, we look to the after and therefore economic issues return to the center of the debate. Italians, among the measures contained in the new support decree, most appreciate that to businesses (39%), to young people, schools and research (36%), to health protection (33%).

The issue of unblocking layoffs is very much felt. 49% are strongly opposed, 21% only for some sectors, 20% say they are in favor.

As for the next President of the Republic, it must be said that 32% of Italians are without opinion, 30% would like the current Prime Minister, Mario Draghi, 24% Sergio Mattarella and a marginal share Marta Cartabia ( 7%) and Giuseppe Conte (3%).