Livio Gigliuto, Vice President at Istituto Piepoli, guest of Giorgia Rombolà at Studio24 broadcast on RaiNews24, for a snapshot of Italy and public opinion on politics and current events.
In this episode of Studio 24, Giorgia Rombolà explores with Virginia Piccolillo of Corriere della Sera, Ilario Lombardo, journalist of La Stampa, Raffaella Paita of Italia Viva, Laura Ravetto of the Lega, Carlo Calenda of Action and Livio Gigliuto, Vice President of the Institute Piepoli, the diatribe within the 5-Star Movement, the top ten of Ministers, the possible leaders of the Center-Left and the Administrative Elections.
According to a survey by Istituto Piepoli the preference between the two leaders who are competing in the M5S, Giuseppe Conte and Beppe Grillo, goes to the first for 87% of the sample and to the second for 48%. Gigliuto, points out that the survey also tested the birth of Giuseppe Conte’s party, which, however, finds support only on 37% of the sample. If we were to make a prediction – continues the Vice President of Istituto Piepoli, Conte’s party would approach double figures, between 8 and 12%.
Giuseppe Conte, with 25% of the votes, is also in first place among those who would like him as leader of the Center-Left. In second place, with 21%, is Enrico Letta. This is according to the voters of the PD and the M5S.
As for Mario Draghi’s top 10 ministers, Dario Franceschini is in the lead (59%), followed by Marta Cartabia (45%) and Luciana Lamorgese (44%). Two political ministers are growing, Giancarlo Giorgetti (41%) and Andrea Orlando (40%), both by two percentage points compared to last week.
Confidence in Mario Draghi also grows by two percentage points (69%). The Prime Minister is followed by Giuseppe Conte (53%) and Roberto Speranza (40%). Silvio Berlusconi (22%) returns to the scene, gaining three percentage points.
Finally, a consideration on voting intentions. Istituto Piepoli survey shows Salvini’s League as the first Italian party with 20.5%, followed by the PD which stands at around 19.5% and by Fratelli d’Italia, which continues to grow, week after week (19.5 %). The M5S, on the other hand, begins to lose altitude also due to its internal break, while Forza Italia gains + 0.5 and stands at 7.5%.