In the web society the way of doing research is undergoing significant transformations. Always more, surveys are conducted through the network and information exchanged in real time. The platforms are becoming increasingly important for marketing activities and have considerable advantages in terms of cost reduction and statistical data processing.
Airport – The world at your fingertips, is an innovative elaboration platform which seeks to concentrate multinational research into one environment that is accessed by people from different countries across the world.
How do passengers who wait to board their home-bound flights spend their time at the airport? They usually get bored! We thought we could relieve their boredom by doing something that makes them feel more alive: interviewing them (face-to-face) about different products and services, the use they make of them once they are back in their home countries, and their thought around them.
By making them happy we are able to deliver a service that is very useful for companies promoting their products and services worldwide. Airport allows us to:
Tableau de Bord® is our flagship product in the field of public opinion.
After decades under our management, Tableau de Bord® is now trusted by political clients as well as by large public and private companies.
In more detail:
Tableau de Bord® has existed for 30 years. This makes it possible to establish monthly, quarterly, yearly and multi-year trends by updating information on a weekly basis.
These trends can highlight the evolution of different markets and brands and of public opinion with regard to communication themes, relevant figures in politics, current affairs and sports.
Istituto Piepoli boasts consolidated experience in online panel creation and management.
An ad hoc online panel built around a client’s needs (for instance based on a client list provided to us), can provide significant insights, leading to increased levels of across-the-board client engagement and allowing the segmentation of a company’s customer base in order to gather information on its clients’ behaviours, lifestyles and interests.
Istituto Piepoli has complete control of the panels’ infrastructure. This allows us to step in in real time, at any moment, in order to personalise the panel as necessary, leading to the creation of a tool that is able to adapt to client requirements.
Furthermore, our working team owns and manages the site used to continuously recruit, maintain and interview panels of tens of thousands of individuals autonomously and in its entirety.